The lasers cool, healing light penetrates the skin which will improve circulation which increases cell metabolism, reduces inflammation and promotes rapid wound healing and relief of pain
Summary I am no expert on laser hair regrowth therapy, but it seems to me that a one diode laser unit should cost less than other units that have more diodes. I have read all the reviews and the explanations of the people who make these units. But they don't seem to make any sense to me. The other units such as the iGrow Laser Hair Rejuvenation System for Home Use has 51 laser diodes, and cost approximately 65% less than this unit. It also has much better overall customer reviews (4.5 starts compared to 2.5 stars). For those reasons I am assuming that the 51 diodes and the much, much cheaper price works a whole lot better and would be a much better buy. Seriously, If you are looking for a laser system to regrow your hair, use the iGrow or something similar. Just keep in mind that the number of diodes and the strength they are being used at are what contributes to your hair regrowing. So with that said, I cannot in good faith recommend the buying of this product. Either choose minoxidil, hair regrowth shampoos, and/or a combination of laser therapy from some other more reliable brand.
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Bad - Erchonia THL-1 Hair Laser Not rated yet Have been using this for almost a year. Purchased from the clinic that I had received treatment from. Their in-house lasers years back with amazing results. …